About me

Who am I?
I'm Jonathan Baugh. A DevOps Engineer and Web Developer.
I'm a freelance software engineer living in Amsterdam, NL. I love to make developers more effective through automation and building new tools that solve pain points.
Jonathan Baugh
Amsterdam, NL (hoi)
Austin, TX (howdy)
My Services
Services I offer to my clients
Infrastructure Automation
Want push button infrastructure?
I can help.
Continuous Integration
Want automated building and testing?
I can help.
Cloud Computing
Interested in running in the cloud?
I can help.
Web Development
Need a Python/Django developer?
I can help.
Software Testing
Want to know if your software works?
I can help.
Performance Testing
Want to know if you can run at scale?
I can help.
Technologies & Buzzwords
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Terraform / Terragrunt
- Kubernetes
- Jenkins
- Django / Python
- Postgres
- Serverless
- ElasticSearch
- BlazeMeter / JMeter
- NewRelic
- git / Github / Gitlab
- Architecture
Work History
- All
- DevOps
- Web Development
- Recruiting

Freelance Software Engineer
- Client:
Terminal, Inc.
- Categories:
DevOps, Web Development, Recruiting
- Date:
May 2020 - Present
- Tech:
Google Cloud, Terraform, Hasura, Python, React
- Created automated screening and hiring tests to help evaluate job candidate's technical skills.
- Worked with Terraform, Google Cloud Platform, and Kubernetes to deploy and maintain infrastructure.
- Helped with the development of internal tools for Terminal recruiters.

Sr. DevOps Engineer
- Client:
Mobiquity, Inc.
- Categories:
- Date:
Feb 2019 - Mar 2020
- Tech:
AWS, Terraform, Kubernetes
- Helped a traditional bank with on-premise infrastructure launch a sister bank in the cloud (AWS).
- Worked with Terraform, Terragrunt, Cloudformation, Packer, and Python to automate the setup of the banking infrastructure.
- Created PCI compliant infrastructure and helped the bank certify that infrastructure on very tight deadlines.
- Worked in an Agile workflow to help the DevOps team improve its processes, and plan work to meet client deadlines.
- Mentored and trained junior engineers on DevOps best practices and tooling.
- Helped to develop and maintain Jenkins pipelines for the build and deployment of 30+ microservices.
- Worked with project managers and product owners to set the priority of stories and support tickets.
- Developed custom tooling to help the developer and DevOps teams work more easily with our infrastructure.
- Troubleshooting and support of Kubernetes clusters.
- Worked with Solutions Architects to design infrastructure.
- Helped to support 80+ other team members across three countries.

Sr. Software Engineer
- Client:
- Categories:
DevOps, Web Development
- Date:
June 2016 - Feb 2019
- Tech:
Django, Python, AWS
- Software development of the ROIKOI Refer platform using Python and Django with Postgres, ElasticSearch, and Redis.
- Transitioned to Docker containers orchestrated with Amazon ECS on Fargate and EC2 instances to balance cost and scalability.
- Continuous integration using Jenkins. Our testing pipeline included static analysis, vulnerability scanning, unit testing, and integration testing for web and Android app using Selenium and Appium.
- Load testing using JMeter and BlazeMeter. Using SumoLogic, AWS dashboards, and New Relic we were able to identify performance bottlenecks and ultimately improve performance and lower infrastructure costs.
- Implemented a web application firewall (WAF), nightly vulnerability scanning, automated security updates, and security testing integrated with our build pipeline.
- Facilitated multiple security audits and penetration testing. Worked alongside the development team to implement fixes for security findings and verified their resolution.
- Fully automated our environment provisioning using Ansible and Terraform.
- Dedicated environments for customers or testing can now be provisioned in about 30 minutes instead of 3 days.

Sr. DevOps Engineer
- Client:
- Categories:
- Date:
Mar 2017 - Aug 2017
- Tech:
Splunk, Python, PHP
- Built dashboards and monitoring for Splunk and provided training to the engineering teams.
- Worked with the DevOps team to adopt Agile practices which are most useful to DevOps teams. This included more structured retrospectives, documenting postmortems, and moving to “Scrumban” which is better suited to DevOps workflows.
- Assisted with the setup and deployment of a Redis cluster by creating custom tests for measuring the throughput and resiliency of the cluster.
- Developed a Python command framework for managing many day-to-day tasks such as managing DNS records in Cloudflare, validating proprietary configuration files, and interacting with the on-premise v-cloud solution.

Lead DevOps Engineer
- Client:
Whole Foods Market, Inc.
- Categories:
- Date:
Nov 2014 - May 2016
- Tech:
Sumo Logic, New Relic, Ansible
- After seeing lots of common issues among other development teams in my first year at Whole Foods I worked with management to build up a DevOps team of 7 engineers.
- Developed a custom tool for programmatically assessing our AWS setup according to the CIS AWS recommendations. Approximately 75 tests could be run against all resources in every region to ensure configuration conformed to best security practices.
- Evaluated tools related to log aggregation, application performance monitoring, and alerting. After tools were selected I provided guidance to other DevOps engineers and developers regarding how to best implement the solution. I provided training where necessary so that we could get the most out of the tools.
- Provided security training for the development teams and larger IT organization.

Sr. Web Developer
- Client:
Whole Foods Market, Inc.
- Categories:
Web Development
- Date:
June 2013 - Nov 2014
- Tech:
PHP, WordPress, Drupal
- Developed, deployed, and maintained a number of internal micro-sites, legacy PHP, and charity sites built in Wordpress, ExpressionEngine, Drupal, CakePHP, and NodeJS.
- Helped to onboard, train, and mentor fellow developers.
- Debugged production issues for WholeFoodsMarket.com on both the front end and backend.
- Provided web security training for the development teams and larger IT organization.

Lead Developer
- Client:
XYZ Stream Hosting
- Categories:
Web Development
- Date:
June 2007 - Nov 2015
- Tech:
PHP, Wowza, OpenLava
- Developed streaming media platform using Zend Framework, MySQL, and LSF for task scheduling.
- Configured Wowza streaming servers and helped with setting up transcoding of live audio streams, video on demand, and live video streams.
- Front-end development and web design
Let's work together!
I am currently available for new remote freelance opportunities.
Get in Touch
Feel free to contact me anytime.